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    Indian Ocean 結果共4筆

  • 日本剛震完!泰國漁民捕獲地震魚 當地人怕爆憂災難前兆

    俗稱「地震魚」的皇帶魚(giant oarfish)因棲息於深海,故每次在淺海區出現都會被視為大地震前兆。近日泰國有漁民在安達曼海(Andaman Sea)捕獲皇帶魚,消息在當地引起恐慌,不過專家解釋,這其實只是印度洋偶極(Indian Ocean Dipole)現象,因冷水進入安達曼海才出現罕見魚類。
    2024/01/07 15:44
  • 大陸侵台軟肋曝!路透:過半石油補給經印度洋「可攔船斷供救台」

    每天有近60艘大型油輪從波斯灣(Persian Gulf)出發前往中國,約占中國石油來源的一半,油輪進入南海(South China Sea)時,將在中國大陸日益壯大的海軍護衛下航行,不過在航經美軍主宰的印度洋(Indian Ocean)時,卻缺少可仰賴的軍事基地保護。《路透社》分析,印度洋將是中國大陸發動台海戰爭的「阿基里斯腱」(Achilles’ heel ,致命要害),西方可透過攔截船隻或甚至封鎖海域,阻斷中國的補給路線,進而嚇阻中國侵台。
    2023/12/14 13:04
  • Taiwan monitors China’s satellite launch, no threat detected

    The Ministry of National Defense (MND) has stated that a satellite launch conducted in Gansu Province, China on December 9 posed no threat to Taiwan. The launch, which took place at 7:35 a.m., involved a carrier rocket carrying a satellite that traveled beyond Earth’s atmosphere towards the Indian Ocean. Taiwan’s Defense Ministry confirmed that they tracked the rocket launch using their joint intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance system, and took appropriate measures in response to the event.
    2023/12/09 14:03
  • 來自132年前的瓶中信 澳洲發現最古老紀錄

    專家表示,澳洲沙灘上發現已知最古老的瓶中信,這是132年前為了追蹤洋流,從印度洋(Indian Ocean)一艘德國船隻上拋進大海的瓶中信。
    2018/03/07 16:11
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